Finance and Payments
The school has its own Business Support Team
If you need any information or have any queries on any financial matters regarding your child’s education, the team can be contacted by
Telephone: 01884 842904 (between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday , during Term Time)
E-mail: finance@uffculmeschool.bep.ac
The school does not accept cash or cheques. All payment for School Meals, Trips, Activities and additional resources must be paid for through ParentPay.
You can access the ParentPay system here, where you will be able to create and manage your account, make payments and view your child’s meal choices. If you do not have a login for ParentPay, please contact the Business Support office.
For information and further details regarding payments for Instrumental lessons, please go here.
Support for families - from the Uffculme School Trust
The school operates a separate charity called the Uffculme School Trust, whose purpose is to help to ensure that all students, regardless of their financial background, have opportunities to take part in the wide range of extra-curricular activities we offer.
To find out more about this charitable trust, click here.
The school has a limited amount of lockers available for annual hire for students. For more information and to apply for a locker please see the application form here.